Italian Christmas legend, or concert opera in four parts
words by the composer
La befana is an old witch who brings gifts to children on the night before epiphany - befana is a corruption of epifania. Bad children get a sack full of ashes. Legend has it that La befana, obsessed with her housework, ignored the procession of the three kings and was cursed to run around the world, searching for the Christ-child in every child. An early version of this work was performed in 1991, but was expanded into this piece written expressly for the forces at St Paul's Girls' School.
First performed 10 December 2002 at St Paul's Girls' School, Brook Green, London W6
La befana - contralto
A voice from heaven - soprano
The voice of God - spoken
Three Kings - children's voices
Vocal quartet, SSAA choir, chorus of urchins
solo guitar, wind band, percussion ensemble and string orchestra